Final Self-Assessment

This creation began on the wrong foot, with my misinterpretation of the assignment description. This first came to my attention during the conference, and an attempt was made to align my work with the assignment description. I would say that my progress towards my learning outcomes has been limited, but non-zero. I believe that my overall understanding of assessment and its role within the educational system has improved reasonably, and I am measurably more knowledgeable than I was at the outset of this course. I would say that it is very difficult for me to measure my final learning outcome, which is likely a sign that it was not as tangible or specific as it should have been. I would say that I definitely have an improved understanding of the important factors in test-creation and that I am more aware of the difficulties of creating/administering assessments of this nature.

What Is To Be Done?

As it appears unlikely that I will be able to reach KPU before everyone disperses this Thursday, I will thank you for teaching this course. I have ultimately concluded that I am ill-suited for a career as a teacher, and have withdrawn my application to the PDP program and will be pursuing a career in another field.